1° WEBINARTutte le tue domande al Veterinario + 2 ore di formazione e utili consigli per la gestione quotidiana del cavallo.
30 Marzo, ore 18 ISCRIVITI SUBITO
1° WEBINAR:Tutte le tue domande al Veterinario + 2 ore di formazione e utili consigli per la gestione quotidiana del cavallo. 30 Marzo, ore 18
11 Ottobre 2024

IceGuerilla Polo Challenge BERLIN 2022, presentato da Krombacher

The premiere of the beach polo event at Berlin’s Grünau lido was a complete success in every respect.

© Gunnar Rosenow

By Alexander Nebe / POLO+10   
Photography: © Gunnar Rosenow

A beach polo event in the middle of Berlin? It’s never been done before in this form. Accordingly, polo fans flocked to the Grünau lido from 29 April to 1 May, where the IceGuerilla Polo Challenge Berlin 2022 created a sparkling, glamorous atmosphere and at the same time heralded the new tournament season in Germany.

Matthias Ludwig, CEO Polo Riviera Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG with Werner Daehn – Das Boot

Rousing beach polo, a top organization and the best spring weather. “It was a perfect start and a more than successful world premiere,” as the tournament host, former German national player and 22-time German champion Alexander Schwarz, praised.

Organizer Matthias Ludwig, CEO of Polo Riviera Germany, was beaming at the end of the three great days: “I am very happy and satisfied with the tournament and also overwhelmed by the all-round positive feedback from players, guests, sponsors like our main sponsor IceGuerilla – but also from community representatives and tourism chiefs.

Bülent Sharif, Simone Thomalla (both actors) & Matthias Ludwig

Tourism chiefs like Mathis Richter, Managing Director of the Berlin Treptow-Köpenick Tourism Association, who was also full of praise: “I am grateful that the IceGuerilla Polo Challenge has found its venue in the fine sand of the Grünau lido. I thank the organizer, Strandbad Grünau and all supporters for making this unique event possible.”

DJ Tomekk

The guests – including Berliners and visitors to the city who were getting a taste of the incomparable polo tournament air for the first time – were happy that Polo Riviera Deutschland GmbH had brought such a beautiful event to the city of Berlin. An event that was charmingly hosted not only by Alexander Schwarz but also by the well-known actress Mariella Ahrens. 

And from a sporting point of view? On the final day, the team from BERLINMED/Wirtschaft + Markt beat DWB Holding GmbH in the Ladies Cup – and in the Gentlemen’s Cup, the Berformance.Group beat the team from IceGuerilla/Polar Twist/Bentley Service Krauthahn Berlin.

Tourismus Berlin Treptow-Köpenick Managing Director Mathis Richter, Beate Pfister & Matthias Ludwig

Spreeküche Catering took care of the physical well-being of the guests and a special highlight beyond the playing field was the session by world-famous DJ Tomekk, who heated things up with his beats as part of the IceGuerilla Players Night.

In the end, happy players, guests, organizers and sponsors remain, as well as the anticipation of a repeat of this all-round successful tournament in 2023.

The teams of the IceGuerilla Polo Challenge Berlin 2022


Leah Kawamoto, JPN
Runa Kawamoto, JPN

Beate Pfister, GER
Mona Scharf, GER

Daniela Röder, GER
Chaja-Darline Roeder, BGR

Paulina Kreiter, GER
Anke Kreiter, GER


Daniel Deistler, GER
Philipp Sommer, GER 

Joe Reinhardt, GER
Ken Kawamoto, JPN

Matteo Beffa, CH
Bernd S. Hotz, GER

Steffen Lange, GER
Rainer Reimann, GER


Team sponsors of the IceGuerilla Polo Challenge Berlin 2022

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